You can sign up/register on BaloTrade as a supplier, buyer or both if you select supplier this will allow you to sell your products on BaloTrade, If you select buyer this will allow you to buy on BaloTrade, if you select both you can buy or sell on BaloTrade. To sign up please click here and follow the step below to fill the sign-up form.

Sign up Form

Select if you are a Supplier, Buyer or Both.

Enter your first name and last name.

Enter the valid email address that you have access because you will receive a verification link to this email address.

Enter a strong password that you can remember.

Type the three starting letters of your location for example if you are located in Mumbai, India, just enter "mum" wait for the location popup then select your location from the popup. Please make sure you select your location for the options popup by the system, if you can't see any popup please check and make sure you are using the latest and updated web browser.

The location popup looks like this.

Enter your phone number, note that the phone number country code is auto-added if you select your location from the location popup as mention above if you fail to do so the country code will display +null until you select your location from the popup.

Enter the referral code if one of the BaloTrade representatives invited you if you don't have this kindly leave it blanks don't enter anything.

Click the small box for the system to verify you are not a bot.

Click the Sign-Up box to register that is all. Check your mail for your email verification link