To add or sell your products on BaloTrade you must register as a Supplier or Both user type. If you don't have an account yet, you can register here. You must complete your basic user profile and supplier profile before you can add products. This will help buyers to know more about your company. The below guide will help you to add your products easily on BaloTrade.
You must log in to add your products login here.
On the top header dropdown the menu with the title Hello! your name and select Add New Product.
Enter your product name.
Select the main category related to your product, for example, if your product is related to apparel select apparel as your main category.
Select the category related to your product e.g sportswear.
Select the sub-category related to your product e.g goalkeeper shirt.
Enter your product YouTube video link if available, if you copy the video link from YouTube that looks like this: you need to edit it to this: /yGcCkk6veIg.
Upload your product images.
Enter your product description details.
Select Yes if you want to promote your product, select No if you don't want to promote your product.
Product shipping details select Yes if your product price is FOB.
Type your product location name keyword example if your product is located in New York just enter New the system will popup locations with that keyword then click on the one that is accurate to your product location.
Enter your supply ability example: if you can supply 1000 pieces per day just enter it like this 1000 Pieces/Day. This depends on how your product is measure.
Select when you can deliver the product.
Enter the available quantity of your product in stock, this will reduce as user place order you need to update this time to time as buyers place orders, then select the unit value if your product is measured by box or pieces, etc.
Enter the minimum quantity a buyer can order.
Enter your product tags the means your product keywords.
Select Yes if a buyer can negotiate your product price, and No if the product is a fixed price that is not negotiable.
Enter your product price, if your product price is negotiable you will need to enter the minimum and maximum price.
Select your payment methods.
If you select a product category that has extra fields, this will display in this section.
Review all your entries and click on the Add Product button. Note when your product is live you need to log out from your account before you search for your product if you are login and you search for your product it will not show up for you in the search result.