To place an order or buy on BaloTrade you must be a registered user if you are not yet registered you can register here.

Step 1

Login into your account or register a new one. to log in type your registered email and password as shown in the below screenshot.

Step 2

Select the product you want to order or you can search for more products here.

Step 3

After clicking the product you want to order, you will be direct to the product details page where you can place an order. In this page click on the Start Order button to place your order.

Step 4

If you click on the Start Order button you will be direct to the order page, now you need to type the quantity you need in the first box.

Step 5

If the product price is negotiable you will need to type your offer price in this box as shown in this image below.


Step 6

In this step, please take note that if the supplier didn't add the shipping cost you will see a message like this: The supplier didn't set up the logistics and shipping fee. Please create an order first and contact the supplier to discuss shipping details. After the supplier added the shipping details, you can pay this order. So you need to place your order first before the supplier can quote you the shipping cost, you can also discuss with the supplier in private message.

Step 7

Enter an extra description for the product you want to order an example like size, color, shape, etc.

Step 8

Enter your complete shipping address.

Step 9

Select the country of your shipping address.

Step 10

Submit your order to the supplier. After the order as been submitted, you will receive a mail from us with detail on your order and if the supplier replies or update the order status you will also get mail, so please keep checking your mail inbox or the spam box. You can also check your order status and details here.